A logo with network symbol saying Tech London Advocates Tech For Disability
Tech For Disability Group

Tech For Disability

Marc Goblot

Vision, Mission, Impact

Our vision is to realise the potential of tech to benefit disabled lives.

To achieve this, we:

  • advocate for the needs of disabled people to tech startups and the industry
  • promote innovation in disability tech
  • raise the profile of how emerging tech can serve disabled people


Our aims should result in:

  • improving lives with personalised and purpose-built tech
  • shifting innovation to underserved communities and a focus on impact
  • expanding awareness and understanding of the market


Our actions include:

  • Bring disabled and tech people together in events to facilitate needs exchange and awareness of possibilities
  • Publish and distribute content and open access to information and resources
  • Advocate in government, business and nonprofits to raise awareness and backing (speaking events, writing, consultations)