Resource Hub
Audience & Market
16 resources — Research and other material on what tech companies need to know about the disabled audience and its market.
Blogs & Perspectives
6 resources — Perspectives and blogs from a lived experience point of view of the tech industry.
19 resources — Examples of what looks good regarding inclusive product designs and the startups creating them exist. Share your info with us via
Inclusive Design
33 resources — Information and guidance on best practices for accessibility and embedding inclusive design from the beginning.
Organisations & Networks
18 resources — Many organisations and networks exist to support various aspects of digital products and broader social impact for disabled and marginalised audiences.
Tech For Disability Group
16 resources — Tech For Disability is a working group in Tech London Advocates. Our vision is to realise the potential of tech to benefit disabled lives: - Advocate for the needs of disabled people in tech startups and the industry. - Promote innovation in disability tech. - Raise the profile of how emerging tech can serve disabled people. We do this through events, community and publishing content.
26 resources — Many emerging technologies can make a difference for disabled people through innovation, although the risks must be addressed.