Independent living – why it is so important for disabled people and how can technology help?

Smiling photo of a man on yellow background and tech for disability logo promoting event.

Tech For Disability Inclusive Conversation – September 13th 1700-1800 UK

We welcomed Clive Gilbert from the cross-party think tank Policy Connect’s Assistive and Accessible Technology Policy Lab to be our conversation starter. The Lab brings together industry, academics and government to design and inform policy in disability and technology. His team also manages the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology.

This inclusive conversation covered independent living:
How can technology help – what do disabled people need – what do tech startups and businesses need?
How could the government and others support this?

Some relevant links to Clive’s recent work in this area to get the thinking started:
The published independent living/smart homes tech report
About the ATech Team
More about Clive
Disabled Facilities Grant delivery guidance updated in line with Policy Connect’s Smart Homes Commission’s recommendation
Clive giving evidence to the select committee

About the author

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